A: We believe that no matter what we do, there is no way we would ever make it into Heaven without the help of Jesus Christ. Christ's suffering in the Garden and on the Cross make the impossible possible.
Our knowledge of Christ's suffering comes from the truth restored through the prophet Joseph Smith. We believe that through baptism (at age 8) we enter into a sort of "deal" with Christ. We promise to do our best at keeping His commandments and following His words, and he promises to make up the difference. Because of this deal we have a chance at Heaven. Without it, we'd all be toast.
I understand this doctrine best as it is illustrated by this short example:
A man is stumbling along in the desert. He is sunburned and his tongue is so dry it sticks to the roof of his mouth. He can barely see, his eyes bloodshot and blurred from lack of water.
He is about to collapse and give up when he sees a signpost on the next dune. It reads: "Water Here" with an arrow pointing just over the dune. The man summons all his strength and heads for the sign.
When he reaches the sign, a hair's breath away from fainting, he sees a water pump at the bottom of the dune. He smiles as wide as his chapped lips allow and hurries to get a drink. He cranks the handle and lets the water splash into his mouth and over his face.
What saved the man? Was it the sign? Was it the man's faith in the sign? Was it all the man's work getting over the dune to the pump? Was it the pump?
It was the water. Jesus Christ is the Living Water, the quencher of all eternal thirst, the only One who has the power to save us.
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