A: No. Mormons do not worship any human being. Mormons worship God, the Eternal Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. We believe that these two figures, with the Holy Ghost, make up the Godhead--three distinct beings who are one in purpose. (More on that later).
We believe that God reveals truths and gives guidance to His children through men called prophets. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is always revealed to and through prophets, who act as watchmen on the tower. Adam, Moses, Noah, and Abraham are among the many prophets described in the Bible.
For many years, there was no prophet on the earth. (This is called the Great Apostasy and spanned from the murder of Christ and the apostles to the early 19th century) Joseph Smith was called to fill the void. (See a video of his story here.)
Joseph was a young man during the religious renaissance of the 1800s. There were hundreds of competing denominations and religious factions, a result of thousands of years without God's prophet on the earth. Confused by the widely varying interpretations of the Bible held by the various churches, Joseph turned to God in sincere prayer. He asked God which church God wanted him to join. God answered that none of the churches was correct, and restored His church through Joseph Smith.
We hold Joseph Smith to be a great prophet, a great leader, and a man chosen by God to do a great work.
Next week's question: "What do Mormon missionaries do?"
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